Suryanshm School of Astrology


There are Numerous Types of Astrology Defined Worldwide. KP System is One of Them. It is Also Known as “KP Astrology”. It is a Best Technique to Predict an Event Accurately. It is Famous Among Astrologers Due to its “Easy to Apply and Easy to Understand” Concept. It is One of the Most Simple Technique in Hindu Astrology.

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Lal Kitab Astrology are Based on the Planetary Positions in the Twelve Houses. According to the Lal Kitab, When a Planet’s Influence is in Accordance to the House it is Seated in, the Lal Kitab Predictions and Remedies Work Wonders. Lal Kitab is Gaining in Popularity to its Unique Remedies. 


Vastu Shastra is the Traditional Science of Architecture and Describes the Significance of Any Object (Vastu), Including its Direction, Layout, and Alignment. In Simpler Words, one can say that Vastu Shastra Plays an Important Role in Enriching Our Lives With the Help of Which we Can Build Our Homes, Offices, Temples, Educational Institutions etc. as Per the Directional Alignments, in Such a Way that it Fills Our Life With Success and Prosperity. In Today’s Time, It is Exclusively Used in the Field of Architecture.


Numerology is All About Numbers and Their Vibrational Propensity that Help an Expert in Predicting the Future of a Person. It is Believed that all the Numbers have the Power to affect a Person’s Characteristics and the Events Taking Place in Their Lives. Numerology Considers the Sum Total of the Numbers in a Person’s Date of Birth and the Numerological Equivalents of the Letters in their Name.


Talk To Astrologer 

Acharya Harish Kumar Online


Talk To Astrologer 

Acharya Harish Kumar Online


Talk To Vastu Shastri 

Acharya Harish Kumar Online